Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hello to all,
       My name is Nel. My major is Dental Hygiene to date. The direction I take from there is still undecided, possibly Health Studies or Education within the realms of Dental Hygiene. I'm sure as I progress in my classes, I will discover for what I am best suited.
       My hobbies include running, reading, and playing with my 21 month-old granddaughter.
       My personal interest in health lies in outsmarting my family bad health genes by doing whatever I can to take good care of myself. Hopefully I will inspire others to do the same. I believe a lot of our health problems begin in the mouth, so as a dental hygienist, I feel it my responsibility to educate my patients on oral health care to help with their overall health.
       My expectations for this class is to further my education by learning new tools that will further the health education of others.
       One thing that I would like my classmates to know about me is that I have been a runner off and on for 11 years, (the "off years" were my injury years), and even though I may have had to bow out from time to time, I will never give up. Six weeks after my 50th birthday, I ran my first marathon. I'm planning on running my next soon. Stay tuned.


  1. Hi Nel! Congratulations on running your marathon. I love to jog, but am not that great of a runner. I would like to know more about the relation of health problems and the mouth. I have heard something like that before and it does make sense. My dentist told me that I needed a root canal, and I have been getting sick recently. I wonder if there is any correlation there....That's very interesting. Well I hope you enjoy this class, take care, Jill

  2. Hello Nel.
    It is very nice to meet you and I too am interested in your thoughts/ideas on the corelation between good health and a healthy mouth. Running a marathon at 50...that is quite an accomplishment! I understand your comment about finding what best suits you. Every time I take a class I eliminate a path and also discover one. I look forward to hearing more about you throughout this semester.
